~ Last night my poor baby fell and got a pretty good goose egg :(. It bruised overnight and is a little purple today. I am guessing this will not be the last with her walking all over now. Our wood floors don't make it easy (at least she has shoes with nonslip soles).
~ I should be getting Citrus Lane today! Citrus Lane has a couple great deals going on right now, they have mystery boxes again. This time they have them by theme such as art, music, feeding, and bath. Even better they are having their semi annual sale on subscriptions! This makes boxes as low as $16.34 with a year long sub (boxes are normally $29). Click here to check it out!
~Well we had snow again yesterday. Seriously when will it be done already? At least it looks like this weekend is supposed to be nice!
~I really need to step it up and catch up on my photography posts... I am getting rather behind again and I need the practice.
~ Amelia has been rather crabby this last week. She is teething again and I hope it goes fast. Her tiny little tooth on the bottom is so cute, but it is no fun to watch her not feel well.
~ Remember to enter the giveaway for Vollie Austin Toffee! Click Here
Well I know this is a short post but I have to go! What are you up to this Thursday?

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