Well it is that time of the week again and looking back on last week I did ok. I painted my nails (twice!), kept walking, and wrote my reviews for last week. I did not even start cleaning and sorting my craft room. I suppose I will have to put that back on the list since the cleaning fairies have lost my address!
Goals for this week:
~ Since I am blogging, once again I need to keep up on my posts. I have a few reviews and some other posts for this week! Should also be getting some really fun mail this week :)
~ I would like to add in a core workout with my walking this week. Walking is great and I am enjoying getting into a good routine, but I really need to start on my core! Having a baby has left my core muscles in need of some attention. Piyo gets released soon and that looks fun, I might look into that!
~ Well I suppose I have to put cleaning my craft room next. Hopefully I can get a good start on it, I just know if I start it will be much easier to keep going.
~ I think I should start using my planner again. I used to make lists all the time and it definitely helps to see everything I need to get done. Plus crossing things off of the list always makes me feel good :)
Well that's it for this week, wish me luck! What are your goals this week?
Goals for this week:
~ Since I am blogging, once again I need to keep up on my posts. I have a few reviews and some other posts for this week! Should also be getting some really fun mail this week :)
~ I would like to add in a core workout with my walking this week. Walking is great and I am enjoying getting into a good routine, but I really need to start on my core! Having a baby has left my core muscles in need of some attention. Piyo gets released soon and that looks fun, I might look into that!
~ Well I suppose I have to put cleaning my craft room next. Hopefully I can get a good start on it, I just know if I start it will be much easier to keep going.
~ I think I should start using my planner again. I used to make lists all the time and it definitely helps to see everything I need to get done. Plus crossing things off of the list always makes me feel good :)
Well that's it for this week, wish me luck! What are your goals this week?

Good luck with your wishes Amanda, the cleaning fairies seem to have missed mine too!